After what felt like a very long week without Papa home, we had him back on Friday morning. So once Elisa woke from her morning nap, we were ready to hit the town and enjoy the warmer weather with a walk around Manhattan. Living in New York City has so many perks, but most of all I think I enjoy the ability to have an afternoon wandering without a plan and just letting things unfold. We got off the train at Fifth Avenue near Central Park and made our way to the southwest corner of the park where there is a great playground near the ballfields. I always feel like I should know more about the park, but it's really a world unto itself and I just try to remember the little spots I enjoy and hope I can find them again when the time comes to go back. Elisa loved the swings and climbing around the castlelike concrete sculpture. Later we got an ice cream bar and let her have a hand at destroying it. She did okay with us taking bites, but towards the end, she was dripping it everywhere and got upset with me trying to help. So down it went to the pavement and that was the end of that. I know at some point she will realize it's better to have help keeping it on the stick, but yesterday, she learned the hard way what happens when you throw it away. Life isn't fair and sometimes ice cream isn't either.
We made our way up to Sheep Meadow and turned Elisa out of the stroller for some free range walking. We plopped down and let her meander among the blankets and people within a certain area. She loves leaving us and charging ahead into the crowds. One time she wandered far enough that she couldn't remember where we were and started to look around for us. A few people watching her were wondering the same (where are this girl's parents??), but we were waving and managed to get her attention which prompted a big smile and lots of "momma, momma, mommas" as she came running back. Everyone who interacted with her was laughing and Elisa loves that. She wandered right back over to a young woman who was surprised to see Elisa waving and saying hi again and again. Leaving the park, we hit Magnolia Bakery's outpost on the west side and got some cupcakes for later. We strolled around and around the neighborhood just enjoying the freedom of the afternoon and the glorious sunshine. By 6 p.m. we had decided to stick it out in the city and opted for an early dinner at Shake Shack. Their burgers are quite possibly my favorite sunny day food (and the beer's not bad either). Elisa chomped away dipping her fries in ketchup and making faces at the other people in the dining room. We managed to get home, dump her in the tub and get her to bed by around 7:45 p.m. And in a way, it felt like the day was structured more around our wants and needs than hers which is so much more fun and relaxing. She, of course, played along and had plenty of time to enjoy the city as well, but it reminded me that walking in the city is a past time I miss. Hopefully this summer will bring plenty of opportunities for more of that.
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