Sunday, January 24, 2010

It never fails...

So we're counting down to our trip to Spain on Tuesday, and who gets sick? Yep, Elisa decided this would be the perfect weekend to come down with a runny nose and fever. Today has been better on the fever front, thankfully, but I'm just wondering if I need to wrangle a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning or let it go. Considering how busy I'll be packing and getting the apartment ready for us to leave, I am trying not to let my agenda cloud things. But with all aspects of parenthood, sometimes the wait and see approach is done more out of practicality than wisdom. Here's hoping real wisdom guides me.
Anyway, backing up a bit to explain how this trip came about...Nacho gets his monthly schedule towards the end of each month, so we just found out last week that in addition to the days off at the end of January, he also has a good 4-5 days off at the beginning of February. Now that I'm not working, I am finally able to say, okay, let's do this and so we're taking advantage of the low season and jumping on standby to Spain. Pre-baby standby was an adventure with few downsides: you show up to the airport, wait out the boarding and if you were lucky, you were handed a boarding pass and AWAY YOU GO! But these days, with so many factors to consider (packing twice the clothing/supplies, timing the amount of food to bring, hoping the flights coordinate well with nap times, bringing good distractions for the flight, etc), it's far more complicated and honestly, not a whole lot of fun. The adventure has been replaced by anxiety and moments of sheer dread. But having said that, the fact that we have these flight benefits and have a family awaiting us on the other side of the Atlantic makes this very worthwhile, if a little crazy. So, here's to hoping that the trend of the day continues (fever at bay and appetite improving) and maybe by Tuesday night we will have a cozy, sleeping toddler on the flight waiting to wake up and see her abuela!


Tia Stacey said...

Hope all goes well! Enjoy your trip!! Love you!!

Maggie said...

Good luck, my dears. Hope Elisa's cold steadily improves and that you don't pull your hair out in the meantime. Have fun in spain.

Kate said...

good luck and have fun!

just think of the cold as a good excuse to drug her on the plane.

(i'm just KIDDING. sort of...) : )

Kedzie said...

Hope poor Miss E is feeling better and you guys get on the plane tomorrow.