Monday, January 18, 2010

17 things about 17 months

So I found myself on the phone today with a customer service representative who was helping me transfer my old 401K plan to something else. He was an affable guy with a silky-smooth tone and lots of polished professionalism. As we were wrapping up the financial decisions, he asked if I had any dependents and I said "yes, one." He got the information and then I asked him if he had any kids yet (he seemed about the same age). He said no, but he was awaiting his first in about three months time. Wow, I said, congratulations. It's always fun to hear the excitement from newbie parents who have no fucking idea what they are embarking on. He asked how old my daughter is and I said, "Gosh, seventeen months this week." And suddenly, it hit me. I really was light years from where he stood. Safely behind the hurdle of pregnancy and delivery, of surviving those first few nights, and weeks. I didn't want to offer useless advice, just told him that he'll be where I am in no time.

And where is it exactly that I find myself these days? I thought of that for a few minutes after I hung up. I have never been one for lists, but it seems relevant that I have so many small things I want to remember about Elisa so why not make a one? 17 little known facts about my baby that isn't a baby anymore. So, here it goes...enjoy!
  1. When Elisa greets us every morning, she almost always says "hi" in the most high pitched sweet little voice. It's like she wasn't sure who was going to open the door.
  2. In Elisa's mind, the pigeons that roost outside our living room window are her first pets.
  3. Sitting on the wooden floor last night she farted with a nice long drumroll of a fart and then said "ahhhhhhhh." Twice. I shit you not.
  4. Elisa sucks the thumb of her right hand with almost religious fervor. Oddly though, she doesn't seem to stick it all the way in--something my sister finds amusing.
  5. As far as words go, Elisa has repeated a number of words in both English and Spanish (Momma, Daddy, Biz (as in Markie), bottle, gato, hi, yes, thank you, brush, bye, this, that) but she really isn't using any of them consistently. In time...
  6. Elisa LOVES fruit. Any kind. Except maybe bananas, but only on Tuesdays. You get the idea.
  7. If making an O-face were a sport, Elisa would be a gold medal contender.
  8. After making a string of babbling nonsense, Elisa sometimes finishes it with a wrinkled-nose chucklefest which makes no DNA testing necessary.
  9. Peas and green beans are quite possibly her favorite food.
  10. And she's never met a cracker she didn't like.
  11. When Elisa smiles she squints one eye almost shut just like her Papa.
  12. Elisa has a big beauty mark on her left thigh. It's like a freckle on top of a big mole.
  13. At the park today, Elisa climbed the small jungle gym steps all by herself. I was amazed. Of course, she almost took a header down the slide, but I got her to sit before she walked into oblivion.
  14. When she sees an animal, she squeals. And laughs. And points.
  15. Elisa has become an expert at blowing kisses and tickling people. Usually when they aren't looking. She even tickled the sleeve of a woman on the bus. Not cool, Elisa. Not cool.
  16. She does not like feta cheese. I think that's the only cheese so far that she's rejected. Sorry, Dessi.
  17. At 17 months, Elisa is still napping twice a day and she shows no signs of giving one up. Oh, well, I don't blame her.

1 comment:

Tia Stacey said...

Terrific all of them. I was laughing at the fart one...sounds like her daddy!