Thursday, March 26, 2009

March madness

On top of having a computer that's about to crash with so many pictures and videos on it, I have been delaying my return to the blog for several weeks because of the chaos that is known as the H-1B cap in immigration-land. This month is one of the busiest times of the year for my office and it's no wonder that I was going a bit crazy trying to figure out how to manage work and Elisa around Nacho's schedule. Not helping matters is that we have been searching for a part-time babysitter for a while now without much success. I didn't think it would be so hard to find someone who wanted to pick up the odd day here and there, but I guess finding someone and finding the right someone are two different things. Luckily, we got a good referral from our friend Dan Riley, so that's helped quite a bit. And of course, grandma is always there in a pinch when you need her. My mom flew back this month for a visit just in time to experience Elisa's first cold--and what an introduction that was! Having the fitful nights with a cranky baby brought back so many bad memories of Elisa's terrible 2nd and 3rd months. It felt like post-traumatic stress, I swear! But with that now thankfully behind us, and the hope that April will bring some balmy temps, I am looking forward to what's next. We're also in the midst of an apartment search (2 bedroom, elevator building, pre-war details, if possible!) so who knows what that will bring. But I'm optimistic. Having someone who smiles at you for absolutely no reason will do that to you.


Unknown said...

Finally got to see this new member of the larger family...What a cutie! Anne Brady

Unknown said...

Yay!! I was cravin' some Elisa and you came through just in time. I love the big rubber ducky. Wonder if they make one in my come the kids get all the cool stuff?? Hang in there, Ann. You are doing an amazing job juggling/balancing it all. Good luck on the house front. Hope to come see it soon!!!

Maggie said...

Finding the right childcare can be such a nightmare... Glad you survived the month.