Saturday, March 20, 2010

Headin' South

We made it in to Wilmington, NC last night around 7 p.m. after a smooth flight which Elisa tolerated quite well. Perhaps after the mad dash to LaGuardia where we checked in barely 30 minutes before the flight, Elisa picked up on my sense of relief. Traveling standby was always such a thrill pre-baby, but now it is usually more chaotic than comforting. Luckily I know my way around that airport pretty well and I navigated the security line (always shorter over at Shuttle), picked up a snack, hit the restroom and made it to the gate as boarding was just getting underway. Timing is everything. Without having to wait, we were on the plane just 25 minutes after pulling up at the curb and by the time we sunk into our seats, Elisa was all bright eyes and eager to have a look around. Part of why we were running so late getting to the airport was because she decided to take a second nap. Or I guess, I decided for her. Just three hours after waking from her morning nap, she was acting tired and cranky and so I gambled on putting her down even if for only 45 minutes. I had almost everything ready beforehand so that extra bit of time without her was a nice break, but I found myself not wanting to wake her. Just a few more minutes, I thought, which turned into 10 more, then 15 more and by the time I had attempted to raise her from the dead, she was having none of it. She simply rolled over and curled up again with the thumb firmly planted in her mouth. Finally, we were up and loaded in the car and Nacho found a new way to get to the airport (thanks, hon, for that last glorious scare!). But in the end, it all worked out, and we made it. And now we are excited to hit the beach nearby to soak up some of this gorgeous spring weather and maybe find some shells or sharks teeth. My kind of day. Pics to post soon!

1 comment:

Nacho said...

Funny you should say that. I firmly believe that my inner knowledge of the streets on Queens was the one and only reason we made it on time to the airport... and you are welcome!!!