Friday, March 5, 2010

The first of many...

Here is Elisa today after I attempted to french braid her hair for the first time. She was sucking down a bottle, sitting fairly still for the first half. Then I switched sides and she seemed to catch on to my trick. I wasn't pulling too hard, and I seriously doubt this kid is tender headed anyway. After combing her snarled up little curls for the past year and a half, I can say she doesn't show too much concern for my hair styling.

Sometime during the middle of this beauty shop session, I realized "Oh, my God. I'm braiding her hair. She's that big." And when she spun around and looked at me head on, I could tell she liked being pampered. I think we're going to be doing a lot more of this when she gets older. I can just hear it now..."Mmmmmmom, braid my hair, pleeeeaaase!"

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