Monday, May 2, 2011

Here we go...

For the past couple of weeks, I've been in deep thinking mode about many aspects of Elisa's life. It's perhaps partly because I'm trying to anticipate how this summer will go as we head ever closer to my August 4th due date. There is the matter of getting her into a big girl bed (which has yet to be purchased) and choosing a preschool, not to mention potty training looming large over my head. And let's not even talk about her milk/bottle addiction. It's time. It's just time. And I know now this has been mostly about me, not her. I've relied on the status quo for my own sanity. So much about parenting is finding a formula that works and then wearing it into the ground. Rituals take hold and soon you forgot why you started them and begin to fear new ones. But it's time to enact some changes and see what happens. I'm finally ready and that's what has made this stage of planning so interesting and full of debate. So where to start?

Well, today at least I nailed down her preschool selection. Elisa will be starting three half-days a week in July at Amazing Magic Beans in Sunnyside. I'm elated. It's been a long process thinking about the options available nearby (because let's face it, I'm not hoofing it around the city with a newborn coming soon) and trying to weed them down to the right fit. I loved the atmosphere inside, the director's personable nature and honestly, the fact that the kids seem to be bursting with creative energy there. I also think that this is the time for her to explore and experiment and not be too structured. There are so many years of academics ahead. Why not enjoy this time to learn in a bit more progressive way? Having this piece of the puzzle in place, and knowing that we'll hopefully have a month (or more) of her in school before our newest addition arrives is just a great feeling. Ah, there...that's done.

Now on to potty training and getting that bed in place. I can do it. I want to do it, but I still don't know exactly how to dive in. Nacho left yesterday and I felt momentarily paralyzed by the burden. But then again, part of me has been waiting and planning to do some of these things during the six weeks that he will be in training because it feels like I will have more control over things. It's always easier to suffer the consequences when you are the only one doing so. If Elisa stops sleeping well without her nightly milk, or can't seem to stay in bed without a crib surrounding her, it won't be interfering with Nacho's work schedule. And I do believe that she is easier to discipline and deal with in general when she only has one person laying down the law. So now it begins...Wish me luck. More updates soon!


jessie said...

stay strong, mama! you know you have plenty of support around you.
i love the new picture header, btw...just beautiful.

Stacey said...

You can do this. Some day you will wake up and doesn't have her bottle or her rag or wear diapers anymore. You can do this! Love you!!

wendy said...

ann - this is the perfect excuse to head over to ikea for a new bed!!! and, when we ditched the night milk, it was replaced by "bedwater". all one word - and yes, it's close to "bedwetter," but bedwater is essential in our home.

Unknown said...

Bed rails could be your next best friend. I say rails (plural) because we used one on each side of the bed to prevent Addysen from getting up and running around/playing at nap time and bed time. She eventually figured out she needed to stay put when she was put to bed. I was lazy potty training Addysen because I had a newborn and just didn't have a lot of energy, but when I stopped being lazy and started getting serious it literally took 2 days and we have never looked back. Good luck, momma! It will all work out and come together in due time. Be easy on yourself! :)