Friday, May 27, 2011

Socrates Sculpture Park

Yesterday we joined in with a group of our playgroup moms and kids to hang out at Socrates Sculpture Park in Astoria, Queens for a picnic and some running around. The weather has really perked up these past two weeks with temps closer to 70 and now even 80 degrees most days. Ah yes, summer is fast approaching. So with plenty of snacks and sunscreen, we set out for a little drive to the park which borders the East River. It's a great open area with lots of big sculptural pieces to frolic around and there was no stopping these kids once we turned them loose.

Of course, it's easier now to sit still and watch Elisa do circles around me, but at times, I still wonder what trouble she's getting into. The whole concept of hovering is one we moms openly discuss and there's really no right answer. Depending on the park or the day, I can be following her every move or sitting back and waiting for her to come and find me. Add to that, the reality that each kid can be so different with his or her risk taking and adventuring that there is no hard and fast rule about how much space/freedom to give them. Elisa has definitely gained confidence and a pretty independent attitude about playing away from me lately, but I think she's also pretty tame when it comes to real dangers or testing physical boundaries. I might be getting overly lax, but seeing her run and play with the kids yesterday really made me appreciate this age in a new way. She needs me less. And that's a welcome relief...

The night before this adventure, we had been at SGP having a relaxed barbecue when Elisa's friend Bix got a little over-eager with his tackling moves. Elisa was upset and by the next morning, she told me that she didn't want to see Bix when I mentioned he'd be at the picnic. Of course, nothing like toddler to forget all about that stuff when the fun begins. These two were nearly inseparable for a good part of the afternoon. Something about their mutual spunkiness assures me that the hurt has been forgiven.

I mean, really? Is this my daughter? Where did this bright light come from? I have to say that the butt wiggle and sassiness has only increased tenfold over the past few months. She has such a glimmer in her eye most days that when it's not completely ill-timed and frustrating me to no end, it's absolutely adorable. Yep, that's parenthood for you--if I'm not crying and/or screaming, I'm laughing. It's a delicate balance.

As we trudged out of the park and over to a nearby playground, the kids all seemed to be having fun and there were no tantrums (epic success!). The group play aspect was going better than I expected and the waterworks only added to their enjoyment. Elisa was hesitant at first to join in, preferring the swings, but once she caught on to the splashing, she didn't want to leave. The cool thing about this particular park is that the sprinklers are on a timer so every few minutes it shuts off and the kids got to take turns running over to hit the button to turn the water back on. There were a few moments of pushing to have this honor, but once they agreed to push the button together, peace was restored. And then they were off to the slide...All in all, it was a great afternoon and almost made me feel like I'd been playing too. It was so easy to watch them wear themselves out. By the time we were ready to head home, Elisa had completely soaked her hair (a first!) and clothes, and was acting like she'd never leave. Having a quick change of clothes was a bonus--must remember that from now on--and so off we went home with a dry set and just in time for a nap. High five!

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