Sunday, May 15, 2011

Suds Time

It's been way too long since I got any shots of Elisa in the bath. It always seems like the chore I hate the most. Ugh, bath night--which fortunately only happens every other night (for the most part). Of course, she's never been one of those kids that loved bath time and wouldn't leave. On the contrary, she usually has to be coerced into it and then once she's there, she doesn't seem to mind too much. Until she's done. And then she's climbing out whether you're ready or not. So the other night, I thought, I better capture some of this on film before she changes up and starts showering or some nonsense.
It's too bad you can't smell these photos, because she was heavenly. Something about a freshly washed little face that makes you just want to squish those cheeks and kiss her. Even still.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

I miss her saying, "Ummmm...Stace, I want my ice cream" after her bath. She smells like heaven after a bath... :)