Sunday, May 1, 2011

Spring all over

This is our last week with Nacho home for a while. Today he leaves for 6 weeks of training in Indianapolis and St. Louis, which means we've been trying to make the most of his days off and enjoy this gorgeous weather too. On Thursday we ran errands in the rain so as not to lose out on the rest of the weekend. Then Friday, we took the bus into the city for a little jaunt through Central Park in all its springy splendor. As we cut through the zoo area, I realized only too late that we were in for a few pit stops. Elisa completely freaked at the sight of Minnie and Elmo, pimping it out on the sidewalk. Two dollar donations later, we had some photos to remember it all by and Elisa didn't stop talking about her new friends the whole day. Cheaper than a trip to Disney World, right?
The park really was in full bloom with flowers and buds popping out everywhere. I've said that fall is my favorite time of year in the park, but something about spring and the flicker of warmer weather (just before the real heat kicks in) is undeniably beautiful. After a few runs down the stone slide at Billy Johnson playground, we sat on benches and snacked for a while just taking it all in. Elisa wasn't in the most cooperative mood for photos, but with all that space to run around in, I don't blame her. If Central Park is like our backyard, she truly feels at home there. And the bonus for me is, I don't have to tend the garden at all.

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