Sunday, February 21, 2010

Everyday Snapshots

Today marks the one week anniversary of a new blog I'm working on called Everyday Snapshots. This is the brainchild of my good friend Maggie who had seen a similar blog and wanted to start something like that between us. Basically, we each post one photo a day and tell the time it was taken. For 365 days. A simple concept and one that appealed to the photographer in me.

At first, I wasn't sure how this would work logistically or even if we would find enough subject matter. But surprisingly, it has helped connect us and our different, if similar stay-at-home lives, by way of the little things that we see and do. Maybe that's the lesson in shifting gears and devoting your daily grind to parenting: that we see all kinds of moments that are normally rushed through and if we're lucky enough, we realize that and savor them. Not all the time. But sometimes. Maybe even most of the time. It's made me think more about how we divide up the day and how just the smallest change can make one day so completely different from the next.

While we haven't coordinated our subject matter, it has almost psychically melded this first week on the blog. I get to see Maggie's photo before I post mine, but still, it's funny how I seem to be the yin to her yang. We are each curious enough about the dynamic to make this effort and so far, it's been a cool surprise to see what each day brings. So, please check out our new endeavor and we'll keep on posting. Just for you.

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