Thursday, February 18, 2010


Since the beginning of January, we've been taking a once a week music class (Music for Aardvarks) here in the neighborhood. It's a kind of sing-a-long, dance-a-long jamboree for the kids and a bit of an exercise class (stretching, running, lifting) for moms and dads. In the last two weeks or so, Elisa has been participating a bit more and seems to follow along better with each session. Just like everything else, it's hard to see this progress until you find yourself documenting it, and oh yeah, she's really running around and playing the instruments. So here she is in all her glory...egg shakers in hand, enjoying the last chords and then some.

(NOTE: this video from our new camera looks black at first, but click and it does in fact play).


Tia Stacey said...

VERY cool. I knew she would LOVE anything that deals with music, rhythmn, and dancing. She's got the beat!!!

Maggie said...

shake it, sister.