Friday, September 3, 2010

A lot of fuss...

So as most of my loyal readers know (hi mom, hi Stace!) we had to evacuate our beach house this week because of the approaching hurricane named Earl. It was a bit of a let down because we were planning to be in NC until Sunday but had to fly home early Thursday instead. Of course, after the return from Spain, the flying there and then barely catching up on sleep, I was kind of in zombie mode anyway. So I suppose it was the enforced return home that I needed. I slept like a log last night and Elisa did too. Unfortunately, what we didn't get was one more night with our family, especially my sister and her husband and kids who are moving to California as we speak. I know already that visiting NC in the future won't be the same. Elisa without her "Mimi" and "Jodo" will not be a happy girl.
But hopefully we can check out their new digs later this fall. California is only a 5-6 hour plane ride away, right? :) I think what I felt most this week is that there are times you just have to go and be where you are needed. And even though my mom had only been out of the hospital (another story for another day) a few days by the time we got there, I just felt like we were so lucky to be all together. It was hectic, but it was so, so worth it. Getting chased away by Earl was yet another adventure and it all went pretty smoothly catching our flight back to NYC. Fortunately, there were only mild winds and very little rain, but the mandatory evacuation made sure we weren't there to see it. Now resting up here and keeping our Spanish guests busy (abuela and cousin Diego are in town) is plenty for us for now. So goodbye to summer and to the beach and to our family who will be missed. It was quite a ride and I'm glad we took it!

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