Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Managing chaos

I suppose there is something about raising a child that knocks against our basic ideas of management. From the first days home with Elisa, I realized--albeit slowly--that what I wanted and what she wanted were not always harmonious. I wanted a shower and a hot meal; she wanted to be fed--and NOW. It got marginally better after the first six months when at least I could follow the rhythm of her day a bit better and predict those urgent times and manage my own time around them. By a year, I was an expert on her life and I could usually squeeze in a shower, lunch and a nap (for myself!) if I planned accordingly. I was getting pretty darn good at this stuff so naturally, there had to be a setback right? I mean, what is two if not a complete kick in the teeth? The real difference I've noticed in the past month or so is just the way Elisa can completely break down at the drop of a hat. Over nothing. As in, nuh-thing. What I used to worry about was time management--will she get her nap about the same time, will she stay down for long enough, will I be able to do my stuff during that time? But now, I have to say it's about managing her moods. Which means remaining flexible and yet firm, patient and yet quick to act. It's not easy, and unlike time management, it really doesn't matter how prepared I am. If Elisa is in a mood there isn't much more to do but keep her safe and let it pass. Her favorite thing lately is to flail on the ground with her hands clasped over her face. Usually she moans a bit during this and if we're really lucky there is a whole stream of fake tears and lots of grimacing. That it only happened once on the flight back from Spain was a victory in my book. Now if I could get her to stop screaming bloody murder during bath time I might feel like I'd accomplished something this month.

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