Saturday, September 11, 2010

Making the most of it

Like most couples who live far from their parents, both Nacho and I really enjoy spending time with them and sharing Elisa every chance we get. For me, it's probably one of the biggest things to change since having a baby--that sense of fulfillment that comes from seeing your parents with your child. And while I don't get to do it as often with my mother-in-law Mercedes, I feel like the times we have spent together with Elisa have been very intense and enriching. She is a natural with kids of all ages. Having worked for years in a daycare in Madrid, Mercedes doesn't seem fazed by anything Elisa throws at her. Tantrums? Seen 'em. Doesn't want to eat? Okay, fine. It's a kind of wisdom that comes only from facing the gauntlet and it inspires a certain calm that everything with this girl is going to be okay.
So it was a great help to have her around this summer as we experience the highs and lows of toddlerdom. Elisa can still be finicky when it comes to letting Abuela do things for her if I'm around (i.e. taking the bottle back, putting her in the swing), but in general the two get on pretty well. And although Abuela has a bit of trouble understanding some of Elisa's requests, there is a definite twinkle in her eye that I think Elisa may have inherited. After a rough start this morning, Elisa spent most of the day laying low around the house. But when it came time for bed tonight, she was more than ready. As she turned off the TV (yes, willingly!!) and started to leave the living room, I asked Elisa to go give Abuela a kiss goodnight. And what do you know, she did! It was a beautiful moment seeing that unexpected embrace. And from the look on her face, I'd say Abuela was glad she didn't miss it.

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