Last night New York City had what most Midwesterners take for granted: a tornado. Yes, the sky looked dark and maybe a slight greenish hue. And there was a nice line of rain heading into the city, but Nacho and I didn't think much of it. We ventured out with Elisa around 5 p.m. to collect our weekly CSA share from the community center and then to drop into the pharmacy about 10 blocks away. A nice stroll. And it was. We got to the pharmacy just before the rain started and by the time I got my flu shot, the rain and lightning was over and the winds were calming down. We headed home at a leisurely pace only to see all the subway trains stopped along the 7 line and tons of people pouring out and waiting for buses that were already crammed full. It was one of those nights you are glad to be close to home and with the people you love.
After dinner, we decided that we should try to take advantage of Nacho's Friday off during these last few weeks of sun and warmth and head to a beach in nearby Long Island. So this morning we were off to Robert Moses State Park which takes about an hour to reach. It was an easy drive in the light of day and the only signs of last night's storm were the many downed trees and broken branches along the highway. The causeway to the island was a really beautiful drive and the waves were crashing nicely by the time we pulled up. Elisa got very excited to see the ocean and then promptly fell face first in the shallow water which put a bit of a damper on her mood. So unfortunately, it wasn't a long beach visit. But we did hang around the paved area and have a snack while the seagulls circled. And she loved the boardwalk enough to walk it both ways. All was going so well until it wasn't. Elisa took a nasty tumble just before we made it back to the car and so dramatic were the tears that I thought we would never hear the end of it. Not to say I didn't feel bad or wish I could wipe the pain away, but the kid was totally, completely milking it. Like really. This continued on and off during the car ride to lunch, during lunch and for a good while after we made it to the outlet mall on our way home. I think partly, she was reminded by looking at it, but also there was a funny way she would hold her leg and later tip toe around. Finally, we got her walking normally and once she started playing, you could tell that she wasn't badly injured. But my God, the wailing that she produced was Academy worthy. After some much needed retail therapy, I'm happy to say we are home again tonight. Fixing dinner, tucking Elisa into bed, and kissing the boo boos of the day. The calm after the storm wasn't entirely uneventful after all.
Ah yes... we parents survive so many different types of storms these days, don't we? Glad to hear she's better. Glad to hear you got a little retail therapy in there, too!
Thanks, Maggie! Yes, the storms are always a brewin'! Wish you would have been with me at the outlet. OMG. So much STUFF! After our recent chat, I was laughing at my giddy excitement over a purse, but dang it all, I was shocked to get such a bargain. Kate Spade for less than $100?? I was IN!
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