Sunday, February 28, 2010

Flyin' high

Elisa is a daddy's girl if ever there was one. She might tolerate me for days on end, but when Papa arrives home, it's easy to see her eyes light up. He is all fun and usually has a new trick up his sleeve. As much as I hate seeing kids (especially small babies) get thrown in the air, I have to admit there is something thrilling about that catch and release. Here is Elisa in all her airborne glory...

So maybe it was Nacho's departure yesterday that knocked the wind out of Elisa's sails. She seemed fine most of the day and then at bedtime, she would not settle down. Every 10 minutes I had to go back in her room and rock her. For over 2 hours. Not feeling too hot myself, it wasn't exactly the kind of low key evening I had in mind. I could only guess that she might be having some congestion issues (she was pretty stuffy) or maybe her teeth are finally close to poking through (I spot some molar bumps on the way). Whatever it was, she was not a happy girl last night and with only one of us to console her, it was a long night. This morning, she awoke with another low-grade fever and we spent much of the day playing quietly, reading and just trying to keep things restful. For both of us. But now tonight, Papa is home again and the playfulness returned. She even let him rock her at bedtime, which means she must have missed him last night too.


Kate said...

you know me - I full embrace throwing children as high into the air as possible. : )

(but not babies.)

oh, and I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one with a daddy's girl. sometimes I feel like chopped liver.

Ann Price said...

Um, yeah, Kate. We've seen what you do to your Georgia...and it was AWESOME!