Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Here we are again with snow a week later and I just couldn't resist. I had to get Elisa out in it today since her toddler snow pants are sitting in a drawer unused. So we trekked a couple of blocks on foot to the local park and she was really quiet as the snowflakes hit her cheeks and eyelashes. There wasn't too much wind so the wet snow made a nice slow shower for us to play in. For a little while, at least.

She didn't know quite what to make of the other kids and their snowballs, but since this is her first real winter outing, I'll give her a pass. I think more than anything, she enjoyed looking up at the trees and the skies to see where the heck this white stuff was coming from. Hopefully next year she will be up for rolling around and aiming a few zingers at me. Growing up with a nice slope in our backyard and a neighborhood where we sledded in the street, I feel like city kids can miss some of the best opportunities to ride around in the snow. Sure, Central Park is probably lovely today, but it's not exactly out our back door. But when we do make it there with our tobbogan in tow, I will remember to bring the hot cocoa if she promises to wear her mittens.


Maggie said...

Love the new masthead. That wink!!

Tia Stacey said...

Mia and I love the new masthead too!!! We laughed when we saw it. The wink is cool!!!

Ann Price said...

Hahahaa...thanks! This is actually when I asked her to fake cry. She usually shuts BOTH eyes, but I guess I caught her in the act of shutting them or maybe winking. She is a hoot!