Wednesday, June 20, 2012

California Wrap Up

I realized glancing at the blog that I didn't properly sum up our trip out west and especially the part of the visit with my sister's family.  It was great seeing them again since it really felt like it had been too long.  In fact, the real reason we made the trek this summer was not to visit Disneyland, but to see my nephew Jordan graduate from high school. As much as I love California and the West in general, it wasn't an easy trip flying cross country with two young kids especially since Carolina is entering that awkward stage of wanting to be mobile. All. The. Time. I think back to Elisa and how much harder it was to travel with her from about 12-24 months.  After she turned two, I think something clicked and she was a little easier to entertain on the airplane without moving around constantly.  But before that, it was just keep her safe and try to keep her quiet.  I couldn't guarantee she wouldn't kick your seat or pull your head rest. It was a matter of picking my battles and trying to contain her on top of my lap as much as possible. And to some degree that's how Carolina and I passed the time on the way back. We were separated from Nacho and Elisa and that made things a little tricky, but fortunately I got her to nap for almost 2 hours total. It was of course in fits of sleep punctuated with screaming outbursts (even for Carolina it was loud).  But in the end, we managed to get there and back and like I said before, I'm so glad we made it. The travel really was hard, but it was also very much worth it. Seeing the look on Jordan's face as he crossed the stage and being part of that special day was very heartwarming. He's grown up right before my eyes and it's exciting to see where the next adventure will take him. 
I suppose the time out west was also a reminder to myself that this is really the hardest time for us as a family to go and do things. We are still so limited by naps, packing food and drinks, constantly reigning in behavior and worrying about bedtimes that it makes enjoying the trip almost secondary.  I definitely had moments of real relaxation but it wasn't easy.  When we're visiting I want to make sure we're not a burden on anyone else, and yet, there are times that the tantrums and the tending to a baby aren't pleasant.  Child rearing is hard work and it's constant.  But the thing that keeps me going is that it will only get better.  I sound like a parenting PSA, but really I'm pretty sure this travel stuff with kids will only get better with age and practice until the point that I actually start to like it again. What? Is that too optimistic? No, but seriously, sometimes I see our life flash forwarding a few years to when Elisa and Carolina will interact more and keep each other occupied.  And I think about how much I look forward to that time.  Even if it means keeping the peace, at least I won't have to be so physically involved in their every movement.  As a mom I've often said I should promote my own style of parenting called "Detachment Parenting" in which you do as little as possible to promote and encourage independence at all times. And I'm kind of joking. Kind of. But really, what I want are two little people to whom I can relate and share these kinds of adventures with and I think that's just around the corner.  Until then, I'll persevere and keep planning new outings in the city and get ready for our trip to Madrid in August. Because if anything, summer is about traveling and being with friends and family, and we're only just getting started!  

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