Sunday, June 10, 2012

Fussy Gus

It was bound to happen. Here we are at 10 months visiting family and Carolina decides to be a "fussy gus" as I like to say. She only wants to stand and "walk" with you pulling her fingers up and helping her. She only wants to feed herself and make the most mess possible. And she only wants her momma most of the time.  She can be distracted into playing or forgetting I'm around. But when I walk back into the room or if I get up to leave, the real fussing begins. Now granted this is Carolina we're talking about, so the fussing isn't anything terrible. But she is finding new octaves and perfecting that screechy, high pitched whine.  It's enough to make you think she's a momma's girl or something. 
But I do seem to recall Elisa acting the same way just about the time she was 11-12 months old. We were vacationing in Spain on her first birthday and I can still remember how much she whined and put up her arms for me as if to say, please don't leave my side. It was a new phase and she wanted only to be with me or on me and in constant motion.  I hadn't really seen her act clingy before and I was slightly embarrassed by all her fussing.  If I just disappeared though, she was fine and the family ended up playing more with her on the short overnight trips I took away because she didn't remember to whine for me.  So now at least I know what this is all about and can remember that pretty soon it passes. But for now, it's one more stage in the constantly updating development calendar and true to form, Carolina is right on track.  She's my baby girl who is becoming more and more of a toddler every day. And if I had to put money on it, I'd say she'll be walking by her birthday in another month and a half. At least, I'm hoping she will so I can stop stooping over. That's making me whine too. 

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