Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Countdown Begins...

So, I'm not sure why I decided to start blogging today about a baby that has yet to arrive. But my hope is that by the time she gets here, I'll have this up and running and can keep everyone far and near up-to-date on her progress. Of course, that baby would be the daughter Nacho and I have taken to calling Elisa. She is already almost 34 weeks old (for those counting at home) and has developed into quite the little alien kicking machine.

I thought the onset of summer would make me completely miserable, but I have to admit that so far, so good. I'm not sure any woman who's 8 months pregnant is entirely comfortable, but I haven't been feeling too put upon. Yes, the subway ride is stiffling and the feet are swollen by night's end, but then that's part of city living where feet are transportation and the seasons bring all kinds of temperature differentials above and below ground. Being pregnant just means, I MIGHT have a better shot at a seat on the train!

Having said that, we just spent the holiday weekend pingponging between IKEA and Target, getting the apartment ready for her arrival (or at least starting to). Seeing how much we have already taken in (from very generous friends and family) I am feeling pretty excited about actually USING this stuff! It's amazing how close August is getting, and while her due date is August 20, 2008, I'm sure Elisa will pick the right moment to make her big entrance.


Adam Shreve said...

Cool, thanks for including us. though now i must remind me of the trouble you gave me for Nina's blog hehe. I hope you are doing well and all prepared. Well, one is never really totally prepared but I'm sure you will do great.

Tia Stacey said...

I am so glad you are doing this!!! Although, I must admit, I didn't think you would ever do it either! I can't wait to meet my niece!!!!