Thursday, July 31, 2008

A Swell Time

Maybe it's the summer heat and humidity or just the desk-bound life I lead, but this past week I've had a lot more swelling in my legs and ankles. Even to the point that taking my little walks from the train or thinking of cruising Central Park with Nacho have made me sigh with exhaustion before I've even begun. And yet every morning, just like magic, I can raise my feet in the air while lying in bed and they have miraculously returned to their normal size with hardly a bulging vein to see. I guess that's the reality of pregnancy with 40-50% more blood volume swishing around my body, most of it feels like it's in my "cankles" by nightfall and the commute home is especially slow and laborious. It almost feels like I have ankle weights tied to me like some bad Jane Fonda exercise video.

Of course, I've been told these fluids rapidly deplete in the weeks after birth. Mostly through sweat which I'm really looking forward to (as if I wasn't already sopping wet on the subway each day). But I suppose it's the fastest way to lose 10lbs. so I won't be complaining. The real joy will be when I have the spring back in my step and a little one tied up papoose-style and can enjoy the cooler weather this fall. That's what's keeping me smiling as I sit and sweat sauna-style back and forth each day, propping my feet up at night. All this too shall pass...or at least go down by morning.

1 comment:

Tia Stacey said...

I remember that all too well with Mia...yuck. And, yes it goes away rather quickly...although I remember thinking it would disappear the day after her took about two days, much to my dismay. Hang in there, Elisa and fall will be here soon.