Monday, July 7, 2008

"...I'm just big-boned."

Since I haven't been traveling much these days, here's a photo for those of you who haven't seen the expanding waistline!

As Nacho kindly put it, "I really thought you'd be bigger by now." Ah, what a sweetheart...I think. But don't worry, the last month will be the best, or so I'm told. Gaining somewhere in the neighborhood of 1-2 lbs. a week (with 1/2 a lb. going straight to Elisa's bum), I'm sure I'll get big enough to impress Nacho. Just wait.


Tia Stacey said...

You look great...are you kidding me....I was a beached whale the entire pregnancy with Jordan and Mia. You actually do glow...weird.///thought that was a myth.

Joe and B said...

Look at you! I can't believe you are due in just over a month. You look great, glad to hear you feel good too (or as good as can be expected, right?)

Mom shared your blog with me. Looking forward to following along.

Take care