Sunday, January 31, 2010

Noon to midnight

We made it to Spain and have been enjoying a relatively calm week so far. Our flight over was better than the previous trip, mostly because there were TONS of empty seats on the plane...I mean, rows and rows of empties for us to spread out in. However this did not mean 7 hours of continuous sleep for any of us. For whatever reason, Elisa pulled her usual and wanted to read and gawk at people and generally fuss for the first hour and a half. Then she finally caved and slept for about 2 hours without moving in her car seat. This was during my turn at laying across the middle row of seats all while the plane ROCKED with turbulence. When it was Nacho´s turn to doze, Elisa decided to wake up and want to be held and switch positions every 10 minutes so that I might not get too comfy. Ah, this child...

But we made it. And it was a much better first day as well. Elisa took two decent naps and then around 11pm, she went to bed. Just as we were turning in around midnight, she cried out and made Nacho enter and soothe her a couple of times. But luckily, she stayed down from about midnight or so on. And when I say on, I mean until noon the next day! It was awesomely awesome. We slept, woke up on our own, ate breakfast, showered, dressed, got to chill and then, oh yeah, Elisa wanted to wake up. Since there is a 6 hour time difference with New York, we´re pretty much putting her down around 6pm and she´s waking at 6am. But the fact that it coincides so perfectly to the rhythm of our days here...waking late and staying up just fine with me. Besides, she´s managed to sleep through a few lunches and siesta with us, so that´s been nice. We´ve even had two date nights IN A ROW with abuela watching Elisa and some of her cousins.

Oh, the cousins...suffice it to say that Elisa ADORES her Spanish cousins. She has been chasing her boy cousins and playing with baby Sara and it´s been so fun to watch. I already know she loves her American cousins without reserve, so it´s fabulous to see her enjoy this side of the family as much as she does. Today we drove to Encinar to have paella with the fam and despite two bouts of projectile vomiting as we took curve after curve on the backroads, Elisa brightened up the minute she hit the ground. The girl is a trooper. Plus, there were cats. She´s a sucker for any kind of animal, but this was a houseful of them so you can imagine the oohs and ahhs. More updates upon our return and lots of pictures to post. Until February!!!!

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