Saturday, May 7, 2011

Merry May

This month has started off with a flurry of activites and nice weather which makes every day go that much better. I knew there was a reason I love May. With temps in the 60s and 70s and lots of sunshine, Elisa and I have been getting out to the park most days for a least a few hours. And Saturday was no exception. Nacho found out late in the week that he could probably make it home from training this week on Friday and leave Sunday, so we were very happy to pick him up at the airport Friday night. After a nice leisurely breakfast on Saturday morning, we had not one but two parties happening at Sunnyside Gardens Park mid-day which was all the motivation we needed to get out and enjoy the beautiful day. First up, Zara and family hosted a gathering with good food and a chance to meet baby Kira, one of our second round kids in the playgroup...
And then there was the 2nd birthday celebration for our buddy Will. I met his parents Ann and David a while back at one of the local parks and it's been fun to see this adorable boy grow. Now he has a sweet little sister Claire who I'm sure will only add to the festivities in future years, but this one she pretty much slept through. I don't think Will minded one bit. We also met Will's cousin Maggie who will be three the day before Elisa this year. Funny how a coincidence like that (and her father is a Spanish-speaking Colombian and her folks met at Wash U. in St. Louis!) can make you feel an instant connection to the party.
The walk home was a chance to take in all the gorgeous flowers that are making the Gardens burst with color this time of year. I think my favorites are these Bleeding Heart petals that I only recently discovered. Kind of amazing, huh? I remember the spring I was pregnant with Elisa and how I really felt like that year I noticed and appreciated all the trees and flowers blossoming throughout the city in a way I hadn't before. Maybe it's the pregnant walk that makes you slow down, or just a feeling of being part of nature itself that lends itself to this kind of contemplation. But whatever it is, I'm feeling it again. And this time, I'm feeling really blessed that I have such a free spirited and curious little girl to share this springtime bounty with. Being busy is good, but having the chance to take it all in is even better.

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