Monday, May 23, 2011

Weekend Roundup

We haven't had much family time with Nacho in training this month, which can make the weeks seem never ending. I think so far, we have only seen him for 6 days (some for just a morning) since May began. And this past weekend was our first without seeing him at all, so I wasn't looking forward to two extra days of running the show all alone. It's a strange thing but sometimes when I'm dreading it the most, everything works out better than expected. There were still some tantrums and meltdowns (mostly Elisa's), but getting out to play on Saturday at the park was a perfect antidote. Elisa found some of the chalk her friend Juliet brought and her mom Kristin kindly made a body outline of Elisa which was a big hit.
Then on Sunday, we made plans to hit the Park Slope Farmer's Market where our friend Molly Killeen has her Made by Molly baked goods stand. The weather wasn't very cooperative with a thick layer of foggy mist rolling in and putting a damper on the morning, but we trudged on and enjoyed our morning out and about. The ever dependable Dan Riley was running things for her that day so we spent a few hours hanging out with him, pushing cookies, scones and fabulous brownies on the amiable crowd. I should have known that Elisa would be up for the challenge of helping with the stand. She helped me put tape on the signs and stick them to the glass cabinets, hand back change to customers and of course, sample the goods. Everything was tasty, but Elisa preferred Molly's homemade marshmallows by far...
We weren't in the car for more than 5 minutes post-market before Elisa passed out. I guess it's hard work selling sweets! The rest of the day was pleasant enough and before you know it, we were heading into Monday with the weekend complete. Something about seeing the light of day at the beginning of the week, even with more rain in the forecast, made me feel like I'd survived the long, lonely weekend without too much moping. And knowing that Nacho will make it back for at least a little bit of the Memorial Day weekend is welcome news. I think both Elisa and I are ready for that family time dynamic to switch up the pace. And with temps edging into the 80s, we might even feel like the beginning of summer has officially arrived. Who needs to wait til June for that?

1 comment:

Kate said...

I know what you mean about the dreading it being worse than the actual doing it -- I do that all the time when it comes to solo parenting, and usually it turns out that the girls somehow behave better for just 1 parent at a time.

But you are a real trooper; I'm a wimp and would be complaining royally about so much "alone" time! I know there's no choice in the matter, I'm just saying -- my hat's off to you!