Yesterday was my nephew Jordan's 16th birthday. I remember being a freshman in my second semester of college when I got the call that he was born. At that time, I had no idea and really no interest in hearing about pregnancy or newborns. It was as if this happened magically, without the months of changes and instant transformation to motherhood that my sister went through. I didn't get to see him until college was out in May and even then, it was a brief introduction to the demands of a small baby. I was heading to Europe for the first time that summer and was completely self absorbed about the changes in my life: a first year of college over, a break-up, and a chance to go forth and see the world. I honestly don't remember much about my first impressions of Jordan except that he was so small and I could not feel any maternal inklings when I held him. I was much too scared of dropping him or otherwise mishandling his tiny, wobbling head and limbs.
By the time my niece Mia came along 7 years later, I was working for a U.S. Senator, dating a man I would go on to marry, and still, I remember only fleetingly what I thought about upon hearing the news. I was excited to have a girl enter the family and was looking forward to seeing Jordan act as a big brother. This kid who had endured 7 years of family gatherings as the only child, talking to me about religion and war, hurricanes and science. He was a thoughtful child who never ceased to amaze me with his observations on life. Watching him develop over these last 9 years has continued to astound me--he's taller than me now and his chill, teenage demeanor belies the chattering, frenetic boy I used to know.
In honor of his birthday this year, he got a haircut and then we went out to lunch and to the mall for a day of relaxation and shopping. Here are Mia and Elisa in their matching outfits bought during a bit of retail therapy last weekend.
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