Friday, March 12, 2010

Now what...

So it's been kind of a slow week around here. What with me fighting off a sore throat and sluggishness and Elisa changing up her nightly habits. Not sure why, but within the last week and a half, she's decided that 10 hours is enough sleep at night. Now, don't get me wrong--that's a decent amount of sleep for any kid. But when she has been doing 11 or 12 or sometimes even *gasp* 13 hours a night, you get used to having that little bit extra. Especially when I am accustomed to sleeping from 11pm til about 7am. It's quite a rude awakening at 5:15 am to hear murmurs and cries for "Momma, mmmmooooomaa!"

I can't really tell if it's related to her molars coming in or not. Or the lingering nasal congestion she's had too. It's possible that this is just another road bump in the 18-20 month range where we went from her frequent, multiple night wakings to now sleeping soundly but waking earlier. Not sure which one I would rather, but I guess it doesn't matter anyway. If there is anything I've learned as a mom, it's I don't get to vote. So we are dealing with this and just hoping that with daylight savings coming this weekend, we'll at least get to say goodbye to the 5 a.m. wakeup calls (6 a.m. just sounds better, right?).

We also had her 18 month check-up this week and as always, her height (at around 35 inches) continues to climb the chart. Her head circumference has thankfully come back onto the chart--apparently she went over the 99th percentile last time. Who knew?! And her weight is in the 90% (around 27 lbs.). The doctor got to see all too well how Elisa likes to go from HIGH (screaming, sobbing, turning red in the face) to LOW (chatting, waving hands and generally smiling) within about 30 seconds after she started to pack up her stethoscope and hit the door. The flailing and fuming little girl turned suddenly pensive, and the pediatrician almost stopped in her tracks at the about face. Yes, I said, she certainly has a flair for drama. Oh, the drama.

Just this week, I got my first ever smack down from Elisa. This happened after some mundane task, probably removing her from the bathroom and shutting the door. Then suddenly, the beast emerges. I picked her protesting body off the floor and that's when she unleashed her fury. Like fists pumping all over my head and then a cheeky hair pulling. That girl has moves! This ended up with me--with surprising calm--holding her arms to her sides as I placed her in her crib and said "No, we do NOT hit momma" and then left the room. She got the message because when I returned in a couple of minutes, she imitated hitting herself and then fake cried. Yeah. She gets it. All too well.

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