Thursday, March 18, 2010

It's in the air

With the daylight savings move last weekend, we are all definitely feeling the difference. What used to be a 5:50 a.m. wakeup is now 6:50 a.m. (or even sometimes 7:15 a.m!) which just sounds so much nicer, and the air just feels warmer and each day this week lovelier. Yes, it's been that kind of week. So good in fact that today I am thinking we'll head into the city to Central Park to roll around in some actual grass in this nearly 70 degree weather. Today also marks Elisa's last music class of the winter semester and she had so much energy for it that I was happy to see her progress in just a couple of months. I think we're going to need to get some instruments and bang around on them each Thursday morning at home (plus hit the bakery around 10 a.m.) just to keep up with the groove. I decided against enrolling her in another music class for the spring semester since swim lessons will start in May and I plan to use the next few weeks to travel and just enjoy getting out in the sunshine a bit more (weather permitting of course).

In other news, we seem to be over the cold/teething nightmare of the past few weeks. Elisa's sleep schedule has returned to almost (dare I say) normal with just a bit earlier wake-up but much less fussing at night. She's been in bed by about 8 p.m. and staying down until nearly 7 a.m. which is really all I could ask for. And the naps have been much easier with her just waving goodbye to me as I exit the room and she plays and sleeps for close to 1 1/2 or 2 hours twice a day. Like I said, it's pretty awesome. And I'll take it. Of course, we're going to road test all that this weekend with our trip to North Carolina, but I'm confident that she's doing better and will hopefully give us a few more weeks of this springtime bliss. Maybe it's all the sunshine but I just feel happier and it seems to make the days go that much smoother. Looking forward to seeing her run with the cousins this week and maybe even hit the beach a time or two (just for walking around since it's still too cool). But for now, we need a good nap and then some park time to soak in the city before we go.

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