Monday, March 22, 2010

It's working

What started last week as kind of a fluke has now taken hold as a new routine. One morning I put Elisa in her crib for nap time after a few minutes of rocking, and instead of averting my eyes and sneaking out of the room quietly, I looked straight at her and waved goodbye. I even blew her a kiss to seal the deal. She immediately responded with her own wave and stared at me until I closed the door. I could hear her in there playing and talking for a little while, but after about 10-15 minutes, I assume she fell asleep. She didn't do her normal quiet then cry for attention which usually prompts me to return after a few minutes of incessant sobbing. In fact, she stayed down for a little over 2 hours without a peep. Now naps are not always long sobfests, but this wave and goodbye felt almost too easy. Elisa still naps twice a day and will normally play a bit before falling asleep. But this method of acknowledging I am leaving her on her own was new. I have kept it up all week to astonishing success. Even after traveling to North Carolina, she has been MUCH easier to put down in Grandma and Grandpa's house. She doesn't cry and cry as if I am torturing her with isolation from her cousins and all the fun of this new place. Each time I've placed her in the crib, she's sat up and waved even at night in the dark. It's pretty cute and definitely a sign that she gets the separation is not forever--just a break to recharge her batteries. Knowing that she knows this and is becoming a willing participant is great comfort especially as I try to relax and enjoy some down time myself. So thanks, Elisa. I appreciate you more than you know.


Maggie said...

Awesome. Good work, mama!

Ann Price said...

Trust me, no one is more amazed! Bringing her here usually requires HOURS of cajoling at nap and bedtime. I am really counting my lucky stars...

patrick said...

Awesome blog! web application

Kate said...

what a relief!

micki said...

all i can say is, i'm jealous!
looks like you are having such fun down there!