Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Completing the circle

Last night after bathtime, we let Elisa jump around on the bed naked for a few minutes like we do at home. Mom and I each had a hand and she jumped with wild abandon for about 5 minutes. Then suddenly, she stopped and started pointing at the bedroom door babbling on and on about something. Now while this sounds pretty vague, it was actually crystal clear. She wanted my dad to come and join in the fun. Since there were just the 4 of us at home last night, it was as if she knew someone was missing out on all this jumping excitement. So we called him into the room and she quickly dropped my hand in search of his. I love seeing how Elisa interacts with my family, but especially heartwarming is when she makes it known that she enjoys being with them. I hope we can spend many more evenings here and she can request as many jumps as necessary. It certainly wore her out before bedtime!

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