With the rainy weather we've been having lately, I'm running out of good ideas for killing time indoors. Elisa can only read so many books, toss around so many stuffed animals and dance so many times to her new Yo Gabba Gabba soundtrack. And as easy as it would be to leave the TV on all day, it just gets old. So today we broke out the bubbles I'd stashed a few weeks ago.

Here she is taking a dip. Her blowing skills haven't developed quite yet. She more often tries to lick the bubble wand. But at one point, she did manage to blow a couple of bubbles. Once.

Chasing the bubbles became the name of the game after a few minutes of me huffing and dipping, and puffing. I tried blowing them in her face a few times which she loved but it also tickled her silly. I think she really just wanted me to keep up the pace of bubbles everywhere.

Later when I tried to put the bubbles away, she came around the cornering whistling and puffing and making a fuss. I had to laugh at this never ending game of charades we play. It was a great reenactment of my expert bubble blowing, but unfortunately, the jig was up. That's part of what is so sweet about this new phase with her. We're definitely getting more of an idea of what Elisa wants, through her actions and sometimes words. And it's such a delight to see that and to communicate back that we understand her and we can *sometimes* oblige her requests. But when we can't, when it just isn't feasible for whatever reason, watch out. Because when Elisa realizes that we get it, but we just aren't going to do it, she has no trouble expressing her disappointment. And I have to admit that Nacho and I usually turn away to chuckle when the stomping and blubbering begins. But when she gets her way, whether it's bubbles or another rendition of her favorite song, she can light up those eyes with such amusement. It makes me melt.
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