Sometimes I don't know whether it makes sense to count in months anymore. Elisa turned 21 months old this week and it feels easier to just say she'll be two in August. August which is right around the corner now. I don't know if it's true for everyone, but summer always seems to fly by for me, and that feels especially pronounced now that I'm watching Elisa enjoy her first real summer as a kid. Last year was the summer that wasn't because minding a baby when all you want to do is sit and relax and have a beer, well, it just wasn't possible. The crawling thing really annoyed me after about two weeks, so I'm much happier thinking about Elisa running around all over the parks and backyards this year. Walking on grass is so much better than eating it. I also keep thinking that we'll be off to Spain soon, and then *blink* and it will be fall and then Christmas, and then...oh, my! I have to slow my brain down. It's going too fast.

Maybe it's just a day like today when I was absolutely living minute to minute and somehow enjoying that feeling of now, that it catches me by surprise. I'm seeing my daughter grow up. It's happening. And I'm here to make her laugh and watch her get mad, and see her try new food and hear her say new words. And oh, what words she's learning...we have favorite phrases now! "I got it" and "Catch it" and "All gone." It's like her brain is sprouting new leaves and I want to prune them all and keep them in my pocket to cherish them. It's sappy, but true. I sometimes challenge myself by going back and watching videos of her as a newborn, just to see if I'll still flinch at the thought of all that colicky turmoil. It was a dark time in my life. The darkest, if you must know. But out of that came so much light. And the cool thing is, it only gets brighter with time.
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