Monday, May 24, 2010

Where to begin?

**Yes, that is Elisa licking her finger after wiping moisturizer on herself. Mmmmm, Kiehl's tastes good.

I love photographing Elisa when she's just running around the house or jumping on our bed. It's the downtime with her when I find myself really loving her personality. Of course, when I have to go somewhere or do something requiring a bit of time and/or patience, it can be a different story. No matter how much playtime we have some days, she still wants that undivided attention in the most inconvenient times. I try to distract her and sneak off to get whatever it is ready, but there are moments that we butt heads and my, oh my are those fun. I've been trying to talk through her tantrums lately by telling her what's up next, i.e. that we are going "to the park" or it's "time to eat" but she's not exactly getting those ideas. It's still usually easier when there is some immediate gratification like "snaaaack" or "baba." As we ran errands this afternoon, I thought I would reward our good behavior (yes, hers AND mine) with a little treat at my favorite bakery, La Marjolaine. As she waited in the stroller for the woman to wrap up our pastries, Elisa spied the dessert case and had a look. "Choc-ate!" she shouted. Um, yeah, that's my kid. She's got a vocabulary of 30 words and one of them is chocolate. Go figure.

1 comment:

Maggie and Ann said...

choc-ate... yes, please!