So today was D-Day of sorts. We got tickets in May for the Yo Gabba Gabba Live concert at Radio City Music Hall. I was seriously stoked to cash in my Amex points for the three tickets (yes, they weren't cheap) and make the most of a childhood dream for Elisa. Or maybe it's my dream, hmmm? Well, anyhow, we waited all summer and now the month of October finally rolls around and today was the day. So of course Elisa got sick. Not full on crazy sick, but I knew something was starting last night when she woke up three times with lots of crying. Not the norm and then this morning there was sniffling and some odd coughs here and there. Not enough to stay home, but still the idea of going into Manhattan stroller-less was daunting. But we made it--mostly thanks to Nacho's iron will (he got stuck with carrying her for blocks since we were running late and she didn't want to walk anyway).

The singing and dancing were even more fun to watch live. I was singing along to all the songs and I think Elisa was just in awe. She wasn't feeling great, so it was a bit overwhelming. But I think she enjoyed it for the most part.
And hour and a half of groovin' and getting the sillies out was all we could take. Elisa was begging for "home" in the first 30 minutes, but she perked up around intermission and then started rockin' along. It wasn't the full on spazfest I was envisioning, but she managed to eke out a few smiles and look like it wasn't killing her. I think she was coming down with a lowgrade fever by the end, so we bolted and jumped on the train home. Hopefully the next time we take her to a concert, we won't have to hold her the whole time and promise her it will be over soon. Of course, tonight she is loving the photos and videos I took of the show. So I guess somehow she is reliving it and having fun which makes it all worth it.
Here she is having a kind of Beatles moment--half tears of joy and screams of pain...and I think there's a wave to Foofah.
I'm glad the show didn't disappoint. There are some Sesame Street live shows and I'd wondered if it would be worth it. But it sounds like they did a good job!
It's totally murphy's law that Elisa would get sick, isn't it? I'm sure the same thing would happen to us if we'd planned a big day like this also. Hope she gets over this cold soon. Abe and Anna have been coughing and snotting a bit also. Welcome, fall!
What a day! I think you guys might need an Ergo for those stroller-less moments of carrying. I know it seems crazy for a 2 year old, but I'm telling you, it really works. Even Georgia at 3+ still hops in sometimes. Hope your plan for baby #2 works out! Maybe you can get one as a baby gift? : )
Thanks, ladies. Elisa is on the mend. Hope the sniffles are fleeing your homes too! Staying home these past few days has helped. And Kate, you are too right about the Ergo. We borrowed one in April and I was amazed she liked it so much. Definitely getting one for the next time around!
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