What a difference a year makes! Last Halloween we flew back home from Kansas City after a grueling week settling my Nana's affairs. Elisa was sick; I was tired. And we were both equally relieved to stay inside and hibernate the rest of the weekend. So fast forward to this Halloween weekend, and I knew we were going to have more fun. With Zara's birthday party and the Sunnyside Gardens Park Halloween fest both on Saturday, things were looking good. I prepped Elisa about wearing her "pretty dress" for a couple of hours before the party. That did nothing. She kept shouting, "I don't want any pretty dress." That's standard these days. Just fill in the blank: "I don't want any __________." Oh, Elisa. How cute you looked when you finally succumbed to my iron will.

Both parties were a smashing success. Tania and Chris threw a magical party with lots of games, crafts and good food. All the costumes were amazing, but I was deeply in awe of the family costumes. Love the themes: Wizard of Oz, Spanish dancers, Harlequin clowns, James Bond, Mets! I think Elisa enjoyed the dress after she got some extra attention walking around. That always helps. After a while, she even forgot about the hair piece I fixed on her bun. Later at the park, the kids managed to run around for a good bit before the October sun hid away again. By 4 p.m. it was downright chilly. But luckily, Nacho was off today and managed to get Elisa home to nap while I banged out some volunteer hours at the park. We rounded out the day with some homemade sausage, kale and tortellini soup I made last night. So far, I can definitely say this year beats last year's Halloween hands down. Now let's see what I have energy for tomorrow...whew!
Here's some footage of the chaos that is a two year old's birthday party!
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