Thursday, July 15, 2010

High Flyin'

Within the first six months of her life, Elisa had been on nearly 20 airplane rides. With a papa who flies for a living, this didn't seem all that odd, but for the average baby, it was a lot. Now with nearly two years down, I have lost track of all the ups and downs of our air travel. Suffice it to say, we have continued to use our flight benefits almost as much as we did before we had Elisa. The locations may have changed (with more trips to see the family in North Carolina), but we've grown accustomed to the ins and outs of LaGuardia and can finesse that airport from curbside to gateside in about 25 minutes. It's become old hat.
But one thing that still prompts some dread when I think about traveling is international flying. The fatigue of jetlag and uncertainty of Elisa's sleeping is never something I feel I have a handle on. With both trips to Spain so far, we've managed to just survive and I've felt a bit like a cage fighter stepping out of the ring. I might be bloodied and bruised, but God damn it, I'm ALIVE! Curiously, both times we returned from Spain, Elisa had pretty decent flights back--even though they are longer (clocking in right around 8 1/2 hours). It's just a marathon of occupying her, feeding her, entertaining her and yes, restraining her. I feel like maybe things are starting to turn a corner with her nearing 2 and getting more acclimated to sitting in her own seat for longer periods and generally having a bit more patience with the whole routine of air travel (check-in, security, and pacing before boarding). But once we're on the plane, it's sometimes feels like I don't know which child I'm going to get. Because I don't. So here's hoping that the laptop and some Yo Gabba Gabba videos and maybe a slideshow of her pics will be enough to keep her happy this go around. I know all about the buying new toys and wrapping them trick, but who has the time for that? If you have any other great ideas or tricks for getting them to sleep in their own seat, let me know. I'm all ears.


Kate said...

drugs? I know some people (maybe yourself included) would DIE at the thought, but I think if I were in your shoes, I'd offer a little benadryl right about the time she's gonna fall asleep anyway, just to help her sleep longer. of course, don't do that if she's never had it before -- you need to know if it will make her drowsy or excitable before you try it on a plane.

other than that...i dunno. we got free sesame street podcasts via itunes that were watchable on our ipod. they're about 5 minutes each. but it sounds like you've already got the tv thing covered.

i am kinda stumped. 8 1/2 hours is a long time to occupy no matter what you try! good luck!

Ann Price said...

Oh, believe me, I am not opposed to drugs. But in fact, our first two overseas flights I tried the Benadryl routine and it did not go so well. The first time, I wasn't sure if it was a fluke, but she was VERY restless and intermittently screamed the entire flight. And the second time, she slept very lightly and tossed and turned through the night. I just was surprised she didn't stay OUT. So, I'm going cold turkey this time around and praying to all things holy that she will pass out. Thanks for the input though!!