Monday, July 12, 2010


Two years and three hundred posts. That's how long I've been blogging. I guess there is something kind of fun about marking the time this way. It's certainly helped me since I lost my job which is why I went from 5 or 6 posts a month to a good 15-20. It's not for everyone, but I find that blogging about my life with Elisa keeps me focused on the positive side of parenting mostly. It's easy to feel the drudgery of staying at home and to get upset when there are so many constant challenges to your authority and you're never sure if you're actually doing the right thing. This morning Nacho got to try his hand at taming the beast while she refused to stop long enough to get changed and ready to leave the house. It's not always easy and I think he was a little surprised at her stubbornness. But we made it out eventually and got some errands done in the city--all before 11am! Afterwards, there was just enough time to stop by the Billy Johnson playground just north of the Central Park Zoo before she collapsed in a heap. I guess we had more stamina than she did today which means that home by noon to nap was a good idea. All her partying yesterday during the World Cup final must be catching up with her. Maybe I'll take a siesta too.

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