Sunday, July 18, 2010

The turning twos

It feels like lately when the conversation turns to age, the Twos get a lot of bad press. The "Terrible Twos" is practically a disease from the sounds of it, and yet anyone who has a kid this age kind of understands it's a tricky time. There are the moments of pure sweetness such as a hug, a sincere "thank you, momma" or a well timed kiss that can make you swoon. And then there are the moments of screaming, crying and all out rebellion that make you want to run the other way, forgetting you even have a child. Er, wait, maybe that's just me. Of course, I stick's just a phase afterall, right? So I suppose the Twos are like everything else in this journey--there are new highs and lows and finding the balance is still key. So today we celebrated at the park with another family in our playgroup whose boy is turning two. Bix and his parents Humphrey and Monica are some very cool people--I mean, she even made Brobee-faced cupcakes for her little Yo Gabba Gabba addict. And while I'm soaking up the sun, eating a hotdog and washing a cupcake down with some beer, it all feels good and right. And then I remember that Elisa will be two soon too. How did that happen, I wonder??
I guess somewhere along the way, you see other kids reach milestones before yours and you cheer them on as if it will never apply to your kid. Sitting, standing, walking, running, jumping, scooting...the list goes on and on. And yet, one day there you are watching your child do the very same things in utter amazement. So yes, we are getting closer to two, but it's nice to have these celebrations to preface our own, because otherwise, I might not believe it when it happens.

Here's some video of the cupcakes in action!

1 comment:

Kate said...

funny you mentioned the milestone watching -- I was like that with Georgia (to Anna) and am again with June (to Abe). Even on the 2nd time around, I still look at Abe and think, "NO WAY! I can't believe June will ever do that!" It's funny.
Good luck with the two's!