Friday, June 19, 2015

Fire Station Field Trip

Yesterday I tagged along on the walking field trip with the Penguins class up to the Fire Station on 51st Street in Woodside. The kids were pretty amped up, if slow, on the way there. But once inside they fell into hushed awe at the size and whirling lights of the big trucks. Our guide for the tour was a real New Yawk talking fireman who explained things with clarity if not exactly the most age-appropriate speak. He asked if they kids all knew how to play hide-n-seek and then told them not to do that if there was every a fire in their house. Uh, okay.  Maybe next time don't mention it then. And just before the fully suited up fireman came around the corner to show the kids his mask and equipment, the guide started to dispel the fear by asking if they'd all seen Star Wars. I had to laugh when another one of the guys laughed and basically said what I was thinking--dude, these kids are like three years old. What he was aiming for was that the breathing sound of Darth Vader sounds a lot like the breathing through the mask with the oxygen tank on. But oh well, by that time the lights on the fire engine were flashing red and the kids were utterly freaked out. Gears quickly shifted to spraying the fire extinguisher which was a real highlight. Each kid got a turn to wave the wand as the fireman helped pump it. Carolina nailed me with the spray on her first try and Mason clearly delighted in spraying it way high. A poor old woman walking on the opposite sidewalk shouted something but the kids kept on spraying. After that, they took a little photo op tour of the truck and tried picking up the ax and heavy tools. I lined the kids up for a class photo and the fireman up for a calendar-worthy pic (okay, they kept their shirts ON), and then we said goodbye. The kids were starting to wear out on the walk back, with Carolina begging me for food. But seeing the playground upon return cheered them up, and I headed home for a short pit stop before pick up. All in all, it was a fun morning and I think these kids are going to do great next year when they get to do more field trips in the UPK program. Yes, Carolina will be an Eagle soon, and I can't wait. 

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