Yes, we're alive! After celebrating our post-Christmas Christmas with Nacho on Sunday, we've been lying low and watching the snow fall all over the neighborhood. Elmo, Cookie Monster and Big Bird (aka "Chicken") were all a big hit and Elisa's kitchen is almost complete (waiting for a new part to replace the cracked stove top). But all in all, it was nice to celebrate all together with Nacho making it home just before the big storm hit Sunday morning. Elisa came down with some type of cold/fever during the "Snowpocalypse" so I've had absolutely no reason to venture out. But Nacho was feeling adventurous today and took a walk to capture the photos below. I think the reports are something between 13-18" in the city with drifts several feet high which has made the plowing (or lack of) much more noticeable. I think this is the worst I've seen the city since we moved here in '05.

I had to include this last photo because Elisa was finally a bit more docile after a day of running around whining and wiping her nose on everything. Poor girl. She was pitiful asking for medicine for her "sroat" and refusing to drink anything but my special juice (aka ginger ale). She took a terrible, short-lived nap, and by evening, I could tell she was getting sloppy. I put her down a little before 8 p.m. and as I went down the hall to get something and return, I had only taken a few steps back in her room before I noticed her eyes were already shut and her mouth was hanging precariously open. As the wind continues to howl tonight and blow snow all around, I hope Elisa will get some rest. Papa's another year older today so I'm sure he could use the shuteye too!
Wow. Amazing photos. I've had the TV off so this is the first I've really seen of it.
And happy birthday, Nacho!!
You know what can happen on those long, cold winter nights?? (wink, wink)
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