Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve will find me....

Merry Christmas Eve! It's late already and we've had a wonderful evening with friends, but since we're not celebrating in the morning, I have a little more time to write. Because Nacho is working until late tomorrow, we are having our family Christmas on Sunday. Might as well, right? I don't think Elisa will be any the wiser and it means we get to be at home together which is what matters most this year. There are times when Nacho's traveling impacts our family life more than others and times when it feels downright lonely to be home for days on end with Elisa. She is definitely more of a person these days, but still, as anyone who has spent quality time with a toddler recently will tell you, it's not easy to do this day after day without some relief. Or just adult conversation. So as we approached our third day home without Papa, I jumped at the chance to spend the evening with friends from our playgroup. We woke up post-nap and Elisa was rarin' to go. She walked 15 blocks uphill in the cold to get there if that's any sign!
To be fair, she did wander a bit and stop to stare at almost all of the Christmas displays and lights. It was just turning dusk as we arrived at the party, though, so the evening felt kind of magical and glowing. As we turned the corner on 52nd Street, a nativity scene caught her eye, and Elisa bent down and huddled close to the makeshift wooden manger set out on someone's front stoop. It might have been the first creche she's seen, and it definitely gave her pause. She was mesmerized by the glowing (electric) candle, the animals all neatly arranged around the manger and most of all, the baby Jesus cuddled tightly on Mary's lap. As I described it a bit to her, she commanded me to come over and sit. Hmmm, I think I'll stay standing, thanks. But I did crouch down just enough to see the look on her face, and she was enthralled. I guess baby Jesus has a sneaky way of doing that, huh? As I finally pulled her away and we headed up the street to the party, I was struck by the fact that we've been talking non-stop about Santa but haven't mentioned baby Jesus one bit. Now, most people who know me realize I'm not a religious person, so perhaps this is not that odd. And Elisa is only 2 which means we have plenty of time to answer all the questions about how the wise men found him and what do you mean an angel spoke to someone?? But I guess, I do consider myself a spiritual person and I enjoy this season for the traditions of my childhood and the sense of joy and peace it can bring even if only for one night. So, I had to smile to myself that sometimes faith and mystery are all wrapped up together and if you try to explain too much, you lose some of the magic. So for tonight, I'm going to bed satisfied that Elisa will learn more about Santa and that baby as we look forward to celebrating more Christmases. And hopefully, Papa will be home to explain it all and tell her about his "Noodleness." Because, yeah, he's a Pastafarian which is a whole other ballgame. Good luck to her figuring that out... And to all a good night.

Oh, yeah, and this was staring up at me from the city skyline as we walked home:
Merry Christmas, New York City! I am so glad to be home.

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