This year, I said it would be different. This year, I thought maybe Elisa would understand the idea of Santa just a bit. But still when you are telling your child a strange man is going to bring you presents in the middle of the night, something just sounds odd. Like really? So I just tell him what I want and he will bring it? The problem with explaining all of this to a two year old is that she still has no real grasp of time. So when I was able to get it through her thick head that Santa listens to requests and gives you stuff, I'm pretty sure she thought we were getting an Elmo doll TODAY. Woops. Well, it was still worth the photo. See the difference a year can make?
SANTA 2009

SANTA 2010

The funny thing is that she looks so pleased. So natural just sitting there smiling. But the first ten minutes we entered the building she was screaming and flailing and wallowing on the ground. Elisa kept shouting "home, home" and I was all but packing it in as I put on my coat and got ready to stroll on out. But then our friend Dan tried to get Elisa to sit with him by Santa's side, and then once I stepped in, she actually caved. And thus, another fabulous holiday photo is ours. I wonder if in time I will forget how much she hated going there and how confused she was that "Elmo Chicken" wasn't handed right over to her afterwards. Luckily, she has a pretty short term memory, so we were back outside and on our way home with milk and her burp rag in tow erasing the memory of her request. Ah, the memories...or not.
Ha! I don't know what we're going to do this year. Abe is going to have a total freakOUT and Anna has decided that she doesn't need to go see Santa because she saw him once on the street and Mike had her tell him what she wanted. So really, it's already done.
Ahh.. making memories.
So she's good, right? I mean, that makes sense to me. But that's a freakout I wanna see!
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