Friday, May 25, 2012

Splish Splash

Today we made it to the park after a week of solid rain. It wasn't Elisa's best day by a long shot--lots of tantrums, nagging and general whininess.  She and her friend Birdie were not playing nice and at one point, they even subjected poor Carolina to a tug of war in the swings.  It wasn't the kind of happy-go-lucky splashing I had expected and that kind of irked me. Later, Leonardo showed up (wearing his normal shoes) and suddenly Elisa didn't want to wear her rain boots.  She sat and cried for her "other shoes" for a good 15 minutes, with the kind of single minded focus I wish she'd use for making her own lunch.  Oy. This kid. But somehow we persevered and by the time we were ready to leave, she was the happiest she'd been all day. After a good long nap, she woke up in a much better mood and we even managed to make it back to the park for an impromptu evening picnic.  Walking in to find some of our playgroup pals in the barbecue area was an added bonus and the night just felt well thought out. Except it totally wasn't. I love that about our park and our neighborhood friends. Something about those Friday night barbecues last summer must have been lurking in my brain today because it seemed like a beacon had brought us all out again tonight.  And really, isn't this the first real summer weekend? If so, we're starting things off on exactly the right note. Now for the rest of the 3 day weekend...hope the rain stays away! 

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