Thursday, April 12, 2012


Carolina has become so much more interactive lately. It's that weird thing that happens sometime between about 6 months and 9 months where one day you realize, hey, this is actually a little person. Cool. And with that has also come a lot of babbling and shrieking both happy and angry. If she doesn't get what she wants or if you fail to keep your attention on her, things can get kind of loud. Take for example the other day as I brought the girls over to a friend's house for a little playtime. Carolina was eating at the highchair and just as I paused to tell a story, she let out one of the loudest shrieks I've heard from her so far. It was a definite wake-up-mama-you-stopped-feeding-me plea. And of course, it got my full attention. Yes, this might not be our shrinking violet afterall. Which is probably for the best. Elisa needs someone who can hold her own.

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