A quick backtrack to our Easter Weekend wrap up before we move on. There was egg dyeing, egg hunting and more importantly, egg eating (well, okay, the candy kind). It was a gorgeous weekend of bright sunshine and Nacho had Friday, Saturday, and Sunday morning off to hang with us which gave me the extra oomph I needed to be crafty and have some fun activities lined up. This was our first year doing anything Easter-y at home and I think it went well. We didn't talk much about that whole Jesus-died-for-your-sins part, but the Easter Bunny was a big hit...

I won't launch into what happened at our Sunnyside Gardens Egg Hunt, but suffice it to say, we did not find any eggs because of the poor planning and event organization. It was a disaster, mitigated only by the fact that Elisa is a kid who rolls pretty easily with the punches in the oddest of circumstances. Yes, she has her redemptive qualities. When she found an empty egg that a parent had thoughtfully rolled under her feet, she picked it up and started screaming "I found one!" Ummmm, okay, sure. And who knows, maybe I was more disappointed for her. Isn't that always the way it goes in parenting? You plan something or you have an idea and you want it to go well for the kid's sake. But really, it's also about you. What are the traditions you are giving her? More and more, I find that I am debating the role of religion and culture, tradition and custom as we inch further along in this thing called childhood and especially on important holidays. I want Elisa and Carolina to have the memories I have of Christmas and Easter, however Pagan my reasons may be. I loved the candles and cookies and present exchanges in December and the flowers and chocolate and pastel eggs in the Spring. And right now I think that's enough. In time, we'll see where this city and this multicultural life take us. I can envision attending services in all kinds of churches and temples some day and talking to the girls about what they think. But for now, I hope they just enjoy the egg hunting in their living room and the stained fingertips from dunking eggs. It was a beautiful, calm weekend of doing things together and that made it all worthwhile.
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