Saturday, March 5, 2011

Making waves

On Thursday we ventured out to Emerald Isle with my mom and dad to soak up some sunshine and see the waves crash. It was a chilly day here with gusty winds but the views from the beach were well worth braving the weather. Elisa is a little obsessed with putting on her hat whenever it feels even moderately cool, so she had to get all fleeced up. But still I love this family photo. We don't have too many of these that I really treasure, but something about knowing we only have a few more months as a threesome makes me a bit wistful. Kind of like the drive to the hospital when I was in labor; it was the last time it would be just Nacho and I as a couple doing something. Funny how life gives you those moments to reflect and then, bam!, you are moving on to the more mundane tasks at hand trying to keep everyone clean and alive. Parenthood seems to be filled with that. Just when I look down at Elisa's curly little head and smile with a feeling that she is everything I ever hoped for in a daughter, she gets in a snit over her juice not being in the "right" cup or acts like I'm trying to mangle her hair with a comb and rubber band. And I'm instantly reminded why it's both a good and a bad thing that these years pass so quickly. And pass they do. While we are enjoying these next few months, I'm going to try to savor all the undivided attention I can muster for Elisa. We both deserve that.

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