Monday, March 7, 2011

Green thumb girl

Coming down south at the first sign of spring means a chance to help get things greened up around here. On Friday Grandma had the idea of enlisting Elisa's help with some leaf raking, digging and planting in the yard. With some leftover kid friendly tools from her cousin Mia, Elisa even looked the part of the eager gardener. However, we soon found out that she would rather dance and sing and stomp around the yard than actually do some work. Go figure. But still, Grandma managed to keep her attention just long enough to plant a few seeds and so the cycle begins. Hopefully on our next trip down, Elisa can see the fruits of her labor and maybe get a bit more excited about helping out in the yard. Anything's possible, right?
One thing I have been pleasantly surprised by during this visit is just the ease with which Elisa communicates with my parents and how she's taken very subtle suggestions with grace ("five more minutes to play before dinner" or "we're going to do a bath after Dora is over..."), making transitions much easier. We haven't had much arguing over naptimes or bedtimes, and sitting down at the table to eat dinner last night was a joy. There's also the oddly inspirational tone Elisa has taken of late which is making us all chuckle. I think some of this is due to Dora's "come on, you can do it!" attitude which Elisa has readily adopted. But today as I mopped up a spilled drink on the carpet, Elisa told me, "Mom, you can do anything." Now that's what I like to hear!

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