Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I told you...

The way things have been going lately, I'm really trying my best to remember that dealing with Elisa's tantrums without another baby in the mix yet is a blessing. She's taken to clearing off tables and toys with a swipe of her arm while stomping around and occasionally shouting "damn!" And though I am admittedly fond of cursing myself, I'm not sure that one is really in heavy rotation, so it somehow manages to make me snicker mildly at her hysterics. Even though it's becoming more and more physically awkward to lift and restrain her at times, I still have the luxury of time to focus on her and whatever reserves of patience I can muster. She's also been taunting me with lots of "I told you's" and new expressions of her growing independence. Add a newborn to this mess, and I'm pretty sure I'd be hightailing it to California without either of them this week. But as it is, we are heading there together as a family. Ah, yes, a family trip! When we found out Nacho would be in training for 6 weeks starting in May, it fell to April to make the most of our time together and what better way to do that than to visit our far flung family out West. Each time we travel with Elisa, I'm amazed how some things are much easier and yet it's still a marathon of endurance. In some ways she understands more about the timeline of doing things and the fact that we are going to take an airplane to visit Mia and Jordan, yet she can't possibly realize what the time difference means for her sleep routine. So we will soldier on with a direct flight to LAX followed by a 3 hour car ride and look forward to our reunions with Stace and the family. I have no idea what they will think of all her changes, but I'm pretty sure Elisa will save some of her sass for them too.


Stacey said...

Looking forward to having Ms. Sassy Pants out here. I love the "damn!" part...I will try not to egg her on with my hysterical laughing when she says it! :) Hurry up and get here!! Love you.

Christi said...

I don't believe any of this ... not for one minute! :)