Thursday, November 4, 2010

Conversations with Elisa

It only took me watching a couple of videos from last spring to realize how far we've come with Elisa's conversational skills. What used to pass for babbling word play would no longer do. Now we're on to bigger and better words and ideas. Sentences and questions. Elisa doesn't just imitate (though that's still the preferred method), but she will come up with strange combinations of words on her own. Yesterday when she got back from her morning outing with Papa, she was telling me a whole story about a boy who fell down and hurt his knee. So I asked Nacho what that was about. Did the kid really fall? He had no idea. There was no such kid at the park. Hmmmm...I think we have a storyteller in our midst. Or just a rambling two year old. Hard to tell the difference sometimes.

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